Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Staying in Shape!

Man, I guess the saying is true- No Pain No Gain!

Part of being in a great military squadron is the heritage of staying fit because it is a strict requirement. We work out three times a week and have a Pre-Test every month. We have a test with four sessions. Timed sit-ups and push-ups are a two part session with a minute a piece. Of course, if you do 60+ in that minute you max out. Then we do a third session which is a mile and a half run. After that, we get a waist measurement and that is the fourth and finall session.

Each session is given points through a system that is established by age group. The ponit chart has different maximum and minimum requirements depending on your age and how you do on each session. I am currently in the Good category. I have to increase my run to be in the Excellent. I max out my sit-ups and push ups but don't do as well in the run.

Our squadron has a unique and varied work out program through out the week. We do alot of strength training and cardio. It has helped alot! The program is meant to increase health awareness and to develope habits in staying fit. I remember before joining the Air Force I was overweight (too many tacos). Soon after enlisting, I lost approximately 35 pounds.

I do feel so much healthier-the fitness also kicks in when we do practice wars (wing exercises). We practice our jobs in a wartime enviornment and if your not fit, it shows. Well that's all for today, God Bless!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Mi Vida Loca (My crazy life)

Finally, an update. I have been very busy with work and I feel like Im married to my job. It has its benefits and I am really satisfied.

Recently, at work, I was given the opportunity to celebrate our diversity and show off my Mexican ass in a traditional folkloric dance. The name of the dance we performed is El Son De La Negra. It was done during our evaluation to be the best in the entire Air Force worldwide. There were other groups of dancers (Phillipinos, Argentina, Cuba) I think ours blew them out of the water. The whole event was a blast!

We won! I was allowed to be part of the select few that traveled to NY City to receive the award! It was a blast! I was in NY for the very first time in my life. I had so much fun and visited so many places. One of the most memorable places was The Statue of Liberty. I also visited some salsa clubs and a hip hop clubs. We had lodging right next to time square so everything was really close.

In one of my many NY experiences I ran into a famous actor. He is Mr. Garrett from Everybody Loves Raymond. He was also cool enough to take a picture with me.

Being recognized in the ceremony was one of the biggest highlights. We were allowed to get on the platform all 20+ co-workers and only about four of us were military members. The rest are not in the military but work with us. Some are phillipino, cuban, mexican, korean and locals from Albuquerque. Alot of us had never been to NY.

Prior to the trip I was at the Def Leppard concert. I was never a huge fan of Glam Rock but this band kicked ass! I was there with my buddy Jason.

I was also at the truck monster rally that same week with my nephew Ulysses. He is a really blond, cute little Mexican kid. His dad's father is from Germany. My sister is very light too because my dad's side of the family are Spanish migrants. Its so funny because growing up, my sister would get approached by "gringos" and they would say, "Hi cutie what's your name?". My sister would respond in Spanish-?Que dijo ama?. Ulysses is alittle brighter he speaks English and Spanish.

Right now I am getting prepared for another big evaluation but this time we get to go to Chicago if we win! I have never been there - but I will soon!

Stay healthy in mind body and spirit! Be safe this holiday season and don't drink and drive!
