Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Path

All paths have a beginning
All paths have an end

In between both the beginning and end:
There is birth and there is death
There is happiness and sadness
There is love and heartbreak
There is peace and disaster
There is faith and disbelief
There is good and there is evil
Sometimes there is a rebirth for a strong believer...

We are born alone and we die alone
The essence of our existence is left on the path
resonating something like a ballad and a song
A path that others may cross

Life comes full circle
before the birth the memory of a soul bliss is erased
with the sound of a mothers voice calling us to get out
After death the fainting memory of a life we begin to miss
...dissipates when we reach soul bliss

What is this all about?
It is about traveling and inspiring the young adventurer
Lending an ear an respect to the old traveller
Reasoning with an intelligent enemy and laughing with a stupid friend
Leaving something in the strange lands like a kiss of peace, justice and charity
Blessing the earth we walk on by leaving it better than we found it
and finally...
Believing in the architect of universes and all its pathways
when the only evidence available is in the hearts of men


Blogger Adriana said...

A profound statement about life!

Thank you for visiting my own blog.

2:57 PM  

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