Thursday, April 05, 2007


Addiction to

A habitual and murderous ritual

The inner beatings of a purple soul

A color for bruises and glory, I unfold

Climax of

I ignore and distort reality

Illusions of perfection are hurting me

Addicted to a murderous clarity

Excuses for

I can't deny my love

especially when it finds me

Crying is my singing

I need a new song, because my fans are leaving

I am

That was not me

Overcoming and Victory

More life for my love and me

Will they learn from me?

Laughing is my singing

A winning reality, watch me smile!

that I am is forever with me...
Dedicated to Alisa


Blogger Alisa Valdes said...

Alisa? As God. I need to read this more often. Are you okay? Let me read this again, to make sure I get what you're saying.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Big O said...

This was inspired when you were conquering the secret battles in the restrooms....


3:28 PM  

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