Saturday, March 08, 2008

Taking a creative writing class...and other updates.

Work hard and play harder, that's me and my boys partying it up in Azores.

So- I am taking a creative writing class and it is fun! These are the Haiku poems I turned in:

This bird flies the best
The eagle, the duck, the swan
Sometimes the chicken

Don’t drink bad water
If you see it let it run
Otherwise don’t run

This was my poetry entry for an assignment:

Soul Babtismal

Mesmerized I lay by what had transpired, I was possessed this once but not demonized
I was possessed this time by a holy fire!

Like small bird and like a wink of light in my bed room it appeared
A flutter, a dance, it whistled and it carried rays of light like a bright star’s thistles
Streaks of different colored lights and tails of comets followed the wings
Suddenly- like a curious pet the light came close to me

My soul was expanded and my joy was overwhelming and my heart beat fast too!
I felt a jolt in my soul! I was stamped with certainty in what I believed…
…what I believed was truth!
My first thought was, “Wait ‘till my mother hears this good news!”

Flying in my room it landed where it pleased; this winged halo maker set me at ease
Hesitant but not afraid, I was knocked off my feet by it
In my bed, I remember, in my bed I laid…peaceful, smiling and quiet


Blogger Alisa Valdes said...

These are all really good. You just keep getting better! I love the chicken line. Laughed out loud!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Big O said...


Thanks- you rock! I appreciate the feedback!


3:26 PM  

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