Thursday, December 14, 2006

What I want for X-Mas...

A long time ago in a city far, far away....I used to skate! I liked shredding rails, ollies etc. My favorite boards were from Tony Hawk and Bucky Lasek. I wish I had preserved my boards because now they're collectors' items. Conspiracy Skateboards has a cool line with Pusshead headlining the artist putting their mark on these sweet ass boards.

If I get them I will probably just have them line my home office wall along with all the other items I collect.

One other aspect of Albuquerque that I do like is the fact that they will have two major city skate parks (one of them on the way). I visited the one off of Lomas once and I got a bit discouraged because there were some children smoking (bud and tobbacco) cussing up a storm and all the wonderful things that go with rebellious children. It was not the greatest atmosphere for my kid! We had to leave early but I sure wish I had a board!


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