Thursday, November 16, 2006

Finally, I voted!

So, I have one suggestion to the "The System". There should be a law to allow residents from other countries, that join the military, to automatically receive their citizenship before they deploy for a conflict/war. That was not the case for yours truly. I waited too long for the approval to obtain my citizenship. In the end, with the help of a Congressman, a few military leaders and a community- I got it! The lovely Ms. Erica Castillo got the wheels turning to do the report from a local news affiliate (see blog log).

I had a good experience voting! I took my son Angel with me and educated him a bit on the democratic process, my struggles to get to the booth and the positive results results of some of our choices.

So I am happy that finally, I voted!


Blogger Luz said...

Howdy & Hola from a fellow Texan/Tejana. Thanks for your service to our country. God Bless!

8:27 PM  
Blogger Big O said...

Its an honor Luz, I would much rather take the fight to the dog than have it trying to bite while I am not looking...


5:36 PM  
Blogger Alisa Valdes said...

Congrats, Omar.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Big O said...

Thank you Ms. Reina- YOU ARE THA' BOMB!

11:06 AM  

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