Friday, December 29, 2006

Snow is fun!

So Angel has never seen snow until recently. In Houston it never snows! The last snow fall we received in NM was a bummer because I had to report to work and by the time I got off it was to late to do anything. Not today! We built a huge snow man, Angel's first and we went sleding! Man, that so much fun! We toppled over a couple of times and Angel impressed me, he has a lot of heart. He said, "Daddy don't go with me I want to do it alone!". He did it- I swear that boy was going at least 25 MPH down that hill! No worries there was plenty of soft snow to cover the falls...

This is may favorite picture of the day! Angel and our little "rosie"...

Amor y Paz,



Blogger Luz said...

Hola from a Tejana here in Houston. Nice blog and pics. Love the snow pics--yes sadly it never snows much in Houston. BTW, cute dog...aka Chi. ;-)

9:46 PM  
Blogger Big O said...

Gracias Luz!

12:46 PM  

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